Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last Week

And so it begins, the last week of my internship. I must say this summer has been the shortest summer of my life, where did the time go? Today was fun although I didn't have much to work on. I made some copy edits and a logo replacement to a card that Livestrong reps actually pass out at job fairs and college functions recruiting for their internships and for volunteers. This afternoon we had a presentation from Milkshake Media (no they don't make milkshakes, however we did have some provided at the presentation by which wich! mmmm). This company is a design/branding company who helped Livestrong come up with their name and brand. It was interesting to see how it developed from it's very beginning stages. Initially Livestrong was going to be called "This Point Forward" and it's color was going to be orange, sick! I think the brand they ended up creating was quite successful and it was interesting to hear how it came about. I would post more about it now but it is rather late and I am quite exhausted. I have to go pick up my car from the shop in the morning (don't even get me started on why it's there) so I will have to divulge more about Livestrong's birth some other time. Hopefully tomorrow I can go into more detail, but until then...goodnight blog!

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